It's official!


It's official!
I will be one of the eight Guests of Honor at the 2026 World Science Fiction Convention, held in Anaheim, August 27-31 2026. (And I get to celebrate my 75th birthday at the con!)
Other Guests of Honor include artist Tim Kirk (whose work I've loved since the early '70s!), screenwriter and producer Ron Moore, cartoonist Colleen Doran, engineer Dr. Anita Sengupta, Stan Sakai (Go, Usagi!), fan GoH Geri Sullivan, and Toastmaster and illustrator Ursula Vernon - truly amazing company to be in.
I am sort of speechless - and just very glad that people think my work is good.
Thank you to the con committee!


  1. Hi Barbara - do you ever attend cons or events on the East Coast?

  2. Sue, my apologies for the late reply. I'm behind a very tight deadline and haven't checked this site in awhile. To answer your question, I generally don't attend cons except as a guest, and no east coast cons have asked me to be a guest, at least not since Covid. I'd be perfectly happy to be a guest, but I don't travel as much as I used to. (The closest I'm going to get in the near future is a Star Wars convention in Texas in March).


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