More on sale from Open Road:

Bride of the Rat-God - one of my all-time favorites of my own stories - tomorrow, January 26, digital, $1.99, US and Canada. 

AND, Thursday, January 27:

Another of my all-time favorites of my own work, Dog Wizard, the third of the Antryg Windrose novels: also digital, $1.99, US and Canada.

And for those of you who collect the work of my late husband George Alec Effinger:

Those Gentle Voices, also on sale Thursday Jan. 27, also $1.99.

And, my apologies for not posting for awhile. My mother passed away on the 12th, and I've been caught up in making funeral arrangements and sorting things out over the phone with other family members. I'm happy to say that she went at home, in her sleep, at the age of 93, as quietly as a yellow leaf drifting down from a tree; she'd been fading for some months, but there was no illness, no hospitals, no nursing-home, no machines. My brother and his daughter took loving care of her. All was as it should be.

But in the real world, there's a lot of phone calls and arrangements and you-gotta-do-this and you-gotta-do-that, and it's been a bit hard for me to focus. 

Many thanks for your patience. 


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