The Ladies of Mandrigyn

 On sale Tuesday, Jan 11 - The Ladies of Mandrigyn (digital), through Open Road Media, US and Canada, $1.99.

It is more or less a tribute to what it felt like, to be training with a troop of other women in martial arts, back in the '70s. (But of course, as with all books, the seed from where it started got added to with LOTS of other things that had nothing to do with that time or place). But we all get our ideas from somewhere, and Sun Wolf and Starhawk remain two of my favorite characters.

(And I still train).

Here's the original cover. Most of my work has gone through a number of editions, so there's a whole assortment of covers to choose from for this blog. And of course, none of them look like what I see in my head when I think of those characters. At least on the original cover, though it was back in the early '80s, Starhawk isn't prepping to go into battle in nothing but a brass bra and high boots. (I love Frazetta-style art, but there are limits...)


  1. I am currently re-reading this book, a comforting companion.

  2. I love the Sun Wolf & Starhawk series! In fact, they're an inspiration for my own writing. (And I have a copy of the paperback with THAT cover on it!)

    1. One of the things I most look forward to - now that the giant stress-pile that landed on me in January has been reduced to manageable dimensions - is being able to write Further Adventures about S & S again. Glad you enjoy that series! (And, glad that the series inspires others to write. The world always needs more stories, to get us through the night).

    2. Oh yes, oh yes, please and thank you!! I love how their relationship evolves as a couple but also each one as a character has an arc based on personal and universal truths, I love how men and women interact in the different city-states, I love the magic system and the history. I enjoy how each novel can stand alone but does build on the prior story. And I look forward to what else you as more seasoned and experienced person/author can bring to their stories.


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