Study Break

 Way back in the day, I attended the University of Bordeaux (the campus outside the city, not the downtown campus). There were a whole gang of UC students living in the dorms on campus, and nearly every evening one or another of us would  "take a study break" and go roving up to the kitchenettes (on the 2nd and 4th floors of our building, Building B) to see what other UC students were also "taking a study break" - i.e. sitting around talking and drinking tea for an hour before going back to our rooms. The French students didn't do this.

So, I'm taking a study break before going back to what I hope is the final polish of "One Extra Corpse," the second Hollywood murder mystery. (It's due in 2 weeks). Classes are done for the summer - I'm allegedly teaching a class in Fall, if it makes the minimum enrollment (community college enrollments are down substantially all over the country). After eighteen VERY crowded months, I'll be able to return to writing Further Adventures, and to painting on the weekend - once I replace my color printer, which has decided not to print. (It's 10 years old, so it doesn't owe me anything - I use it for setting up compositions to paint). There are a couple of pieces of research that I need to do yet for "Extra Corpse", and then I'll be done.

And then, I hope, I'll be able to post a little more regularly.

In the meantime, Sunday, June 19, Open Road Media will be downpricing "Witches of Wenshar," the second of the Sun Wolf books: digital, $1.99, US and Canada. 


  1. Hi Barbara, this is somewhat of a random comment/thought and not at all directly related to your post, lol. I wanted to tell you, "The Silent Tower" is one of my favorite fantasy novels. It had a profound impact on my own short stories during a pretty miserable high school experience. Thanks again Barbara for both inspiring me and keeping me company. Best wishes and continued success.


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