Yet More Fun With Research...


More fun with research. I've been re-reading Sylvia Lovegren's book Fashionable Food - which is a history of food fads in the 20th century, complete with recipies. (!) From the '70s on (it goes up to the early '90s) it's a disconcerting journey down memory lane ("Hey, I remember fondue parties! I remember fern bars!") but the 1920s-30s are downright horrifying (and extremely useful, as I'm hoping to do at least several more Hollywood mysteries). Banana-and-popcorn salad garnished with mayonnaise? "Boil the spaghetti in salted water for 1 hour"? Not to mention the history of Chinese food in America...

In other news, I will be a guest at the local LA convention, Loscon, Thanksgiving weekend. The convention is at the LAX Marriott Friday the 24-Sunday the 26th - I'll be there Saturday and Sunday, on panels and (I hope) doing a signing.

And for those of you who live in the San Fernando Valley and are looking for a really tasty Mexican restaurant, try Xochipilli Taco Bar in a pod-mall on Balboa and Sherman Way. Very small and VERY good.


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