King and Queen of Hell


In honor of Halloween - though this picture of me and my dear friend Allan Rothstein was taken a day or so after Thanksgiving, sometime in the '80s, at a LosCon in LA. We competed in the Masquerade as Hades and Persephone.

In other news, I finished the 22nd Benjamin January mystery - working title "Chalmette" (since it deals with a long-cold case of a disappearance, and with Ben's service in the Battle of New Orleans). The editor says the title doesn't say "mystery" to her and it will probably be changed. I'll keep you posted. I was very pleased when my preliminary research for the mystery at the core of the plot turned out that the hypothetical situation I'd come up with actually existed: there really WAS a villainous mastermind behind nefarious deeds!

I turned the manuscript in Monday and have been in severe post-partum depression ever since - which usually happens when I turn in a manuscript.

Here's another picture of me at a Costume-Con - another dark and Gothic outfit:


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