Experimental Post #2

And here we are, at my new blog. The website is yet to come, and for the first couple of weeks I'll be buried in a deadline: Benjamin January # 19, Death and Hard Cider, which takes place against the background of the 1840 Presidential election. I thought about calling it, "Tippecanoe and Murder, Too," but realized that a lot of people won't understand the reference to the campaign of William Henry Harrison. That was the first "modern" style Presidential campaign, with songs, rallies, women's auxiliary organizations (even though women couldn't vote - the guys found them convenient for providing refreshments at the rallies, and Harrison's opponents railed against those hussies for handing out leaflets and reading newspapers and having opinions about the politics of their betters).

In a couple of weeks (so my website builder assures me) my new website should (at last!) be up and running, and this blog will be linked to it. I will double-post - triple-post, actually, on FaceBook, here, and on DreamWidth. I have pretty much abandoned LiveJournal. But until the time the new website - it will still be Barbarahambly.com - is up and running, I will post here at the blog. 

And, I'll take the first couple of weeks to experiment with what I can do with the blog: fonts - pictures 

bits and pieces of clip-art (which I'll need to figure out how to do...)

I will be pretty much buried in deadlines until Nov. 1 - plus teaching...

Thank you for your patience.


  1. When you write your posts, you should note that there is a field into which you can add a title. The advantage there is that the archive function will list the title rather than the first paragraph.

  2. Dear Ms. Hambly,
    I am taking a class on Popular Culture and the Supernatural and we read A Free Man of Color. I noticed you credit Octavia Butler for her reading of your work. I would like to interview you about the circumstances of that reading. May I e-mail you? My e-mail is arogersh at UARK dot edu. Or if my google address comes up, I can be e-mailed there.

  3. I giggled at 'Tippecanoe and Murder, Too', so rest assured that some of your readers get the reference, and appreciate you sharing the alternate title here.

    1. Sunflower, thank you! It's good to know that at least some of my readers still know these things.

      For some reason your post showed up 4 identical times. I have deleted three of them, which unfortunately looks like you said something deeply inappropriate that I had to pull... I apologize for this.

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